• Advanced Equine Dentistry and surgery:We offer Advanced Equine Dentistry and surgery haul ins only at this time. We don’t just “float” teeth. We often find that the “float job” that has been done, although well meant, has often only contributed to the existing conditional problems. We find teeth that have been left fractured, painful periodontal pockets, chewing problems and more. We also do a lot of teaching with our skulls, charts and teeth, before Dr. goes into the mouth. We are very big on the owner understanding of what their horse has been dealing with and what is needed to be done.

    We also make the offer that a horse owner can make an appointment to come to our veterinary hospital and we can show them our teaching information. What their horse’s mouth needs to look like and why, even if they are coming without their horse. Call Kathy to make arrangements

  • Vaccinations
  • Health exams for interstate travel certifications
  • Lameness workups
  • Allergy treatment
  • Nutrition: strongly tied to good dentistry and good health care.
  • Optometry